RAWE Members Are Like Cheerleaders for Your Business!

There’s nothing worse than a successful business! We all know that starting a business and struggling to be successful is stressful, but did you know that launching a successful business has its stresses too? Things are going very well, orders are rolling in, you’ve ordered additional inventory and you’re getting great reviews from your customers. What could possibly be wrong with this scenario? On the surface, everything looks great, but behind the scenes the owner of the business is putting in extremely long days trying to keep all the balls in the air. There’s the customers to satisfy, the inventory to order and to pay for, and the record keeping that’s piling up and needs to be addressed. You know you really need to hire but what about the added expenses of payroll, WSIB, Employer contributions to Employment Insurance and Canada Pension, not to mention trying to find the time to hire and train the new employee.

Here’s the good news, there are several organizations in the Windsor-Essex region poised and waiting to provide guidance and financial assistance. Have you heard of the Regional Alliance? The Regional Alliance is business support network comprised of local government and support groups for entrepreneurs and companies in the Windsor-Essex Region. We all have our areas of expertise and we all work together to help businesses succeed. Visit the group’s website www.rawe.ca for clickable links to the various partners. There’s even an easy to navigate database of business resources in the region, the ‘Business Support Network Interactive Tool’, to help you narrow down which organizations may be best able to help you with your specific needs at this time. It even includes grant and subsidy information to help you with the costs associated with that new employee you need to hire.

I’ve been participating in the monthly Regional Alliance meetings for many years and I’ve seen firsthand the collaboration, referrals, and hands-on support that comes from this dedicated group. The best part? There’s no need to fear the growing pains of a successful business as there’s a wide range of resources available to help ease your stress.

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